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NGS Panel Reflex to MNG Exome

NGS panels are useful diagnostic tools, but they may not include enough content to identify the cause of disease in a significant percentage of cases. When a panel is inconclusive and more expansive testing is required, MNG makes it easy to add exome sequencing to the existing proband sample.

The MNG Exome is a comprehensive exome sequencing test that searches through the protein coding region of all currently identified genes for disease-causing single nucleotide variants (SNVs), indels, and copy number changes.

Coverage includes all pathogenic variants that are practice guideline and expert panel reviewed by ClinVar. These include variants located in intronic regions that are not covered by standard exome sequencing. 

How To Order

Use the MNG Answers® Test Request Form and complete the proband information section at the top of the page. 

For Duo or Trio testing, select the appropriate MNG Exome option and complete all appropriate family member information fields. Complete and include clinical information and a signed consent form which are attached and are required for whole exome sequencing. 

Please note that testing will not begin until all family members’ samples and completed paperwork has been received. 

MNG STAT Exome® options are not included with the MNG Answers® program, but may be ordered separately. Kits can be ordered for trio/parental sample collection by a healthcare professional.